One key aspect of the Darts Regulation Authority's work is to maintain the integrity of the sport, and they work closely with the Gambling Commission and other betting operators to monitor betting activity on matches.
Where there are suspicious or unusual betting patterns in relation to a match, the DRA will be notified before the match is played.
The Integrity Unit will assess and analyse information received on a confidential basis, reporting to the DRA Disciplinary Chair any matters that it considers may require further investigation and/or regulatory action.
The DRA welcomes any information relating to corruption in darts, including information on match fixing, gambling in darts by participating players or any other information relating to attempts by potential corruptors to compromise players or match officials in any manner.
Such information can be passed to the Integrity Unit either through a confidential email or to the Darts Hotline:
Email: integrity@thedra.co.uk
Darts Hotline; +44(0)7305 964578.
The identity of any person sharing information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be revealed to anyone outside of the DRA without the specific permission of the person providing the information.